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Redesigning a yoga studio website is exciting and challenging at the same time. I find it very fulfilling because I’m a Yoga teacher myself, and I am aware of the many benefits that yoga can bring into a person’s life. My experience with yoga gave me a clear advantage in working with the River Rock Yoga and Pilates studio owner to create a beautiful and functional website for her business. If you’re planning on hiring someone to redesign your yoga studio website, consider hiring someone who comes from the yoga community. If you are a web designer working with a yoga studio, do your best to understand the culture of the yoga community.

Things to Consider When Redesigning a Yoga Studio Website 

1). Highlight the Uniqueness and Personality of the Yoga Studio

All yoga studios are different. Each one will have a flavor and focus of its own. It’s important to understand the studio’s unique offerings and to highlight the strong points on the website. The best way to get to know the studio you are designing for is to visit and take some classes. Talk in-depth with the studio owner and manager, and some of the students, if possible.

2). Integrate the Booking App

Most Yoga studios have a booking app to make it easy for their clients to book classes and events. It’s very important to make it clear how to view the schedule and book a class. Including a login tab will also make it easy for the customer to log in to view their schedule of classes.

3). Include a Blog When Redesigning a Yoga Studio Website

Blogging does two things; It provides fresh content to your readers and will hopefully serve as an educational tool to yoga students, and it also boosts your SEO, making it more likely that people who are searching for yoga studios will find yours. Learn the 5 reasons why you need a blog.

4). Images are Everything

If your studio doesn’t already have professional images, make sure they get some so that the new website you design will be modern and stunning. They should also consider updated headshots for their yoga teachers. If they don’t have a photographer you can refer them to one in your area.

5). Optimize for Mobile

According to Research.com, 53% of total web traffic in 2019 came from mobile devices. That means that more than half of all people viewing your website will be doing so from a mobile phone. Make sure that your website redesign is easy to navigate and user-friendly on a mobile phone. This article from Search Engine Journal offers some great tips for mobile optimization.


In conclusion, redesigning a yoga studio website can be fun and fulfilling, especially if you are a yoga person. If you are going to hire someone to redesign your site, consider hiring someone who has experience with yoga and will “get you” and help you share the beautiful benefits of this ancient practice.


~ Sharon